Student Services Center Membership

NHSAA's Student Support Center (SSC) offers services that support, inform, and enable your work in the area of special education and provide an independent voice on behalf of New Hampshire school districts.

~Membership is offered to public school districts in New Hampshire ~ 

The SSC provides advocacy and technical assistance to New Hampshire school districts regarding the implementation of special education programs and services. In part, Heather Barker, the director of the center, advocates for all member school districts by acting as: 

  • A knowledgeable resource on IDEA laws, rules and decisions
  • A representative for each member on various statewide and regional committees
  • A monitor of actions by federal and state agencies in the promulgation of rules and laws, including legislative study committees for RSA 186-C
  • A regular communicator with special education school attorneys who represent school districts, in order to share information, resources and build support for members
  • A clearinghouse of information on hearing officer or court decisions
  • A resource of best practices designed to solve and/or prevent problems
  • The designer and implementer of a technology based system of communication to and between
  • designated representatives of the member districts
  • A researcher and analyzer of important special education issues for all members
  • A support to the Executive Director of NHSAA with special projects

Member school districts receive, at a minimum, the following services or products:

  • Access by telephone and/or email to consultation regarding a local problem or question
  • Weekly email updates on issues of common concern
  • Examples of model policies and procedures on special education
  • Research and problem-solving, with executive summaries for members on timely topics
  • Access to a rich website full of important resources
  • Monitoring of new federal and state laws, rules and procedures and updates to members